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Roman Dek

How to name tasks

GTD, Productivity

Sometimes I procrastinate with engaging with my task list. I suspect because sometimes the tasks don't sound clear enough to understand what is expected and what the result is. That's why I came up with a naming scheme for the tasks. My main framework for tasks management is GTD®, so I prefix my tasks with action verbiage that lets me know what action I need to take to finish the task. It fits well in the bigger picture of projects.

Prepare for — tasks that need me to prepare materials, a speech for a meeting, event, a presentation

Waiting for — blocker tasks that remind me to check in with people and companies if I'm waiting for something (feedback, materials, a delivery)

Respond to — tasks that tell me that I need to respond to someone that I didn't respond to instantly (probably because it wasn't urgent or needed deeper consideration)

Look into — tasks for googling or doing light research about a topic for general knowledge, usually very low priority

Research — tasks that require deeper research about a specific topic

Think about — tasks for pondering, not quite analysis

Schedule — tasks to scheduling the appointments

Decide — tasks that require a strategic decision

Call/message/email X — tasks to start a conversation with someone

Read — tasks to read an article, a book

Buy/order — tasks to order or buy products or services

Analyse/compare/evaluate — tasks that need a careful, often multi-faceted consideration

Draft — tasks to write a draft of a note, a post, a chapter

Review — tasks to critically examine tasks or drafts

Finalize — tasks for wrapping up with a project

Update — tasks to update something longterm (a contract, a project)

Send/submit — tasks to send a package or submit documents

Edit — tasks to edit a draft

Publish — tasks to publish the edited draft

The rest of the task name usually describes the object of the action: a post, a note, a package, a person, a concept. I try to keep the task names short and descriptive.

This is not an exhaustive list of verbs, but these are the verbs I try to limit myself to; too much of variety creates overwhelm and confusion. There's another pattern I use for phrasing the project names.